Diary of Gregorius Half-Orc the Cenobite
Continuation of the First Day on the Isle
The passage was cold.
The old shaman in the death’s head mask—the one who called himself "Uja Zem"—led us down into the earth; I was
struck for a moment by the sensation that we trespassed upon a tomb. It was then
we heard a thunderous crash from the jungle outside. I wheeled about to ask my
companions if they’d heard what I had. The looks Ecaris and Edrathior gave me
said they had. We slowly made our way back outside. None of us could yet see
just what was tearing its way through the jungle. The tribesmen outside,
standing guard over their kinsmen’s graves, readied their weapons. We might
have taken shelter in the cave, but our would-be friends stood ready to fight.
Had we left them to face whatever rough beast slouched forth alone, they
wouldn’t be our friends for long. So we waited.
It’s been said the period of waiting
before battle separates the bold from the craven. After all, even a coward may
become brave if he be taken unawares and not have the time to contort himself
with fear. I took those few moments to survey our impromptu order of battle:
Ecaris and I in the first rank, Edrathior in the rear, the tribesmen on the
right flank shouldering their macuahuitls (a name later given to these obsidian-toothed weapons).
I saw that Bartholomew was not with us, and realized we had left him alone with
the old shaman. There was no time to worry though, for then the behemoth broke
through the trees.
It was a massive beast, bucking like
a bronco, bearing the shell of a tortoise, spines of a dragon, and legs of a
rhinoceros. (Translator’s Note: The diarist here uses the archaism rhinoceros, being an imaginary beast
with a horn growing from its snout, clearly inspired by travellers’ distorted
accounts of the unicorn.) It bellowed, in its eyes neither the intellect of
man, nor the hunger of beast, but only blind, insensate rage. We stood our
ground. It charged straight at me. Mere yards away, it flung itself about, with
an agility belying its great bulk, and swung its tail. I bobbed just beneath
it, and slid in to punch the behemoth’s underbelly. Ecaris took a similar
course, and we were both overturned and dropped on our heads for our efforts.
Upon regaining our feet, we tried to
divert the galloping brute from our more fragile companions and from the burial
grounds of our new allies. Bucking and flailing as it did, the behemoth was
able to hold his ground against assault from all sides. Finally as the poor
beast collapsed under the weight of blood loss and spent rage, one of the tribesmen
sprung forward and struck it with his macuahuitl.
With the beast slain, we inspected
the corpse. The beast had obviously been ill or poisoned; black effluvia issued
from its eyes and its snout. On its neck was a wound, inflicted by some type of
spear or arrow. We suspected this to be the source of whatever had driven the
behemoth mad.
The old man and the turtle woman led
us back into the cavern. At the end of the tunnel, they pointed to a square
opening in the floor. A rope ran down into the dark. The turtle woman pointed
down the shaft, indicating we were to descend. I looked down the shaft; the
floor was some twenty feet below. I could leap back up if things went awry, so I
slid down first. I found myself in a cavern. To the west was a rope-and-wood-plank bridge over
a natural cleft. I could hear the tide moving in and out of that cleft. I could
see the details of the cavern plain as day in the faint light available, though
the humans might have trouble. I called up to my companions and they descended.
The rope bridge was in a state of
some disrepair, though it held up as we crossed one by one. On the other side
of the cleft, we found another chamber of worked stone. Nearest us was a
chest pressed against the wall. Inside the chamber three stone sarcophagi
stood upright against the walls. My companions and I discussed the best course
of action. Bartholomew made a beeline for the chest. Looking over my
shoulder, I saw the turtle woman had descended the rope, and stood across the
bridge, looking at us expectantly. We beckoned her to join us on the other
side. She did with some reluctance—though with apprehension or reverence for this place, I could not say.
this time, Edrathior had told us there was powerful magic radiating from the
farthest sarcophagus; Bartholomew had extracted whatever wealth the chest had
held. Of interest was a scroll case. The scroll inside appeared, at a glance,
to be a record of some kind. I tucked the case into my sash, resolving to read
it later. Concerned we might be ambushed by more of the undead, we decided it
would be prudent to crack open the sarcophagi and check inside.

second contained the corpse of a human knight of Thyatis, apparently of the
same order as Ecaris, though my companion claimed no knowledge of any Thyatian
expedition to this place—wherever this place was. Ecaris took one of the unfortunate knight’s gauntlets
to return to his family.
three of us again took up position before the last sarcophagus. Upon opening
it, we found naught but the mummy of an elvish woman, draped in rich silks. She
had a ring upon one wizened finger; Edrathior said this was the source of the
magic he’d sensed, and not the deceased herself.
was then I elected to open the scroll case; inside were a map and what appeared
to be a journal entry or memorandum. The map depicted a large island surrounds
by several smaller ones. A few dots, likely towns or villages, were labeled.
One was “Mora,” whence the Turtle Woman indicated she had come. The journal
indicated the writer had set out from Specularum, three weeks prior to the
writing, to bear one Prince Davin to the Thanegioth Archipelago. He, like us,
was blown off course by a great storm. He and his crew put ashore on the first
isle they came to, trading with the natives for food and supplies. He wrote
that the village’s chieftain or “chieftainess?” tried to warn him off exploring
the other isles. This would not surprise me, though I am puzzled by the
writer’s puzzlement.
found several villages—including Mora and Tanaroa—all on the same southeastern
peninsula. Just north of Tanaroa, a great wall separated the inhabited
peninsula from the rest of the island. The Tanaroans allegedly referred the
this isle, upon which they dwelt as “the Isle of Dread.” After departing
Tanaroa, the writer decided he would navigate around the north end of the
island. There he and his men found a wrecked sailing ship, bearing a figurehead
in the shape of a wyvern. His curiosity having gotten the better of him, he
dropped anchor and set about exploring the wreck. Aboard the derelict they
found some creature, the author writing only: it “must have once been an elf,”
and it spoke his name, as if it knew who he was. The account ended abruptly. I wondered
if the thing he’d encountered were kin to the one I had fought on the beach.
any rate, with a map of the Isle in hand, and some better idea of just what we
had stumbled into, we stepped outside and shared a meal of fruits and coconuts
with our new companions. After this meal, we are to plan our next moves.
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